A Good Reminder

Tonight I was completely exasperated by the time the kids went to bed.  There wasn't a single horrible incident, just the frustration of fighting the same constant battles every day, which always seem to culminate in the kids not getting to bed on time.  I was in a daze when Ben (mercifully) took the kids to their beds.

I have some things that need to get done tonight, of course, so I had to get out of my frustration-induced stupor.  I debated on the best way to do that.  Should I just relax on the couch for a few minutes?  Read a book?  Clean something?  I decided to find a short funny video to watch to cheer me up.  Laughter usually does the trick.  I ended up watching some clips from Ellen on YouTube, which were great.  Then something made me want to go back and look at older posts on this blog.  I don't do that very often, which is a shame.  Because I was laughing out loud.  And after about 10 minutes, I was quite in love with my children again.

Want to know what I was laughing about?  Need a little pick-me-up?  Just click below.

All of the posts are pretty much focused on Jack.  Is there a theme here? 
Well, kudos to Jack for having such a great talent for making me laugh.
(Although, I don't always endorse his methods.)


  1. I really appreciate not only your honesty, but also your optimistic solutions. Your blogs have been such a good reminder to me that I can always choose to have a better attitude - even if I feel like my ability to choose is being ripped off me with a cheese grater... and I will say, my ability to choose has increased vastly since I'm not pregnant anymore. I hate to say it, but for me, with this last pregnancy, my patience was nil. I can forgive myself now and have great compassion for others who go through that. It's real and it's hard. Thank goodness for pick me ups and husbands and not having the gestational period of an elephant.

  2. I enjoyed these posts all over again:) So sorry the kids gave you a hard time. They need to appreciate their angel mommy more! Oh, yeah, that only comes about 20 years from now. Hang in there. I know you will and you already know the 'fix' for frustration!! Yeah for you remembering what to do. ( I think i always forgot.)


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