Good News, Bad News

GOOD NEWS: Eliza wore her bathing suit all day long.
BAD NEWS:  It was 23 degrees outside, i.e., our heating bill is going to be through the roof. 

BAD NEWS: Jack made a big mess.
GOOD NEWS:  He cleaned it up.

GOOD NEWS: Cat wrote thank you notes for Christmas gifts.
BAD NEWS: This one may have been a little too honest.

BAD NEWS: Jack and Eliza were both sick.
GOOD NEWS: We had a pretty good day anyway.

GOOD NEWS: Jack loves dogs.
BAD NEWS: He insists on being accurate while portraying one.

GOOD NEWS: Eliza likes being independent.
BAD NEWS: This isn't always good news.

GOOD NEWS: Cat learned how to mow the lawn this fall.
BAD NEWS: I don't think she'll want to help Daddy for free now that our neighbor has paid her to do his lawn. 

BAD NEWS: One of my piping tips ended up in the garbage disposal.
GOOD NEWS: I was able to bend it enough to make it usable again.

GOOD NEWS: Jack has no problem attacking a whole cucumber this way.
BAD NEWS: He's been known to do this in the grocery store.

GOOD NEWS: The kids had a lot of fun during their bath.
BAD NEWS: The funnest part seemed to be pouring water out of the bath. 

GOOD NEWS: DVDs are super cheap at the thrift store.
BAD NEWS: This is the one Eliza thought we should buy. 

GOOD NEWS: Ben got a great deal on Apple Jacks.
BAD NEWS: All three boxes were gone in less than a week.

GOOD NEWS: I found a way to add a layer to Jack's wardrobe during this very cold winter AND avoided having to patch his jeans.  (I actually like the pajama pants peeking through the holey knees.)
BAD NEWS: He wore this pairing exactly twice before the pajama pants had holes in the knees too.  (Because of the hours - no joke - he spends on his knees every day, driving trains, race cars, and monster trucks all over the place.)
OTHER GOOD NEWS: Jack doesn't mind the holes at all.

GOOD NEWS: Eliza is big enough to drink sparkling cider straight from the bottle.
BAD NEWS: Something about this just doesn't look right.

GOOD NEWS: Jack and Eliza were quite content tossing diapers all over Jack's room in the Summer House.
BAD NEWS: The diapers just don't fit in the box the same way once they've been removed.

BAD NEWS: Jack cut his foot on an exposed spring (or something) on a friend's backyard trampoline.
GOOD NEWS: He found a way to get around anyway.

GOOD NEWS: Eliza assisted me in cleaning out my Primary bag.
BAD NEWS: I had no intention of cleaning out my Primary bag.

GOOD NEWS: I got Publix coupons in the mail.
BAD NEWS: The closest Publix is 1,600 miles away.   :-(

GOOD NEWS: Something good's in the oven.
BAD NEWS: It's not ready yet.

GOOD NEWS: Jack is cleaning up his grape juice spill.
BAD NEWS: That dish towel used to be white.

BAD NEWS: Eliza got Jack's new electric race car stuck in her hair 3 times the week after Christmas.
GOOD NEWS: She didn't mind.  In fact, the did it on purpose at least once.  A new hair accessory?

GOOD NEWS: It's 78 degrees in Austin, TX.
BAD NEWS: I don't live in Austin, or anywhere near it, and I'm not sure why my computer thinks I do. 

GOOD NEWS: Cat made an awesome cup pyramid in Oma and Opa's attic.
BAD NEWS: I'm pretty sure Oma and Opa had other plans for those bathroom cups. 

GOOD NEWS: Eliza had her very own sleeping bag to sleep on.
BAD NEWS: She didn't sleep on it.

GOOD NEWS: Cat wrote a note to a loved one in Tallahassee, and I even got it in the mail.
BAD NEWS: I somehow forgot to finish writing out the address.  Hmmmm.. . distracted, much? 

GOOD NEWS: Static electricity will keep balloons on the ceiling.
BAD NEWS: It's really hard to play with them when they're on the ceiling. 

GOOD NEWS: Olives fit on your fingertips!  (Read the label on the can.)
BAD NEWS: Olives fit on your fingertips!

GOOD NEWS: Eliza got a piece of bread all by herself.
BAD NEWS: Unbeknownst to us, it was at the risk of life and limb.
GOOD NEWS: I LOVE the kids' school pictures!  (In Eliza's case, her Target picture.)
BAD NEWS: I discovered "Creative Kit" in Picasa, and pictures may never be the same again...


  1. Thanks for the laugh. Those pictures (and captions) were awesome.

  2. Priceless!!! What a talent you have!!

  3. what a fun read! so cool the way you're documenting their lives.

  4. GOOD NEWS: I'm laughing out loud with every picture!
    BAD NEWS: Whit is sleeping next door...

    Wow. Love it! I think my fave is Eliza in the dress with the yellow paint. She does pathetic so well!


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