
(photo courtesy of Lindsey Lou Photography)

Jack has been talking so much more! He began putting sentences together shortly before he turned 2, and since then he hasn't slowed down a bit. It's really cool to hear what he has to say and get more of a feel for his thoughts and personality. There are still times when I look at him trying to tell me something and I can tell that he is really working at trying to figure out what to say and formulate his words. But I've collected a few funny things now that I think I have enough to be worthy of a post. A sidebar won't be too far behind, I'm sure.

I sowee, Mommy. I jus' bwoke twain twack.
I sorry, Mommy. I just broke train track.

Funny, Mommy. Wiza make joke.
Funny, Mommy. Liza make joke.

Sing "Thomas is his friend," Mommy.
(Referring to Thomas theme song, "Thomas and His Friends.")

No eating Poocy. How bow' Thomas. (When Eliza was grabbing his Percy train.)
No eating Percy. How about Thomas.

I suck!
I stuck!

I jus' burp. I jus' burp again.
I just burp. I just burp again.

This has happened a few times during bedtime prayers over the last week. Apparently, Jack is very grateful for his trains:
Me: I thank thee
J: I sake ee
Me: for my family
J: Fo' my Poocy (Percy)
Me: for my family
J: Fo' my Thomas (the train)
Me: for my family
J: Fo' my Pesser (Spencer)

Yesterday I was singing some songs to Jack while I unloaded the dishwasher. Each time I finished a new song he would say, "I wove that song!" What a great audience!


  1. that's the best!! I love hearing their little thoughts out loud - and love watching as they learn about language. It reminds me a lot of when I was in a Spanish immersion class... I think I made that same concentrated face Jack is making :)

  2. I love the way little kids say things. Sometimes I just don't correct them because the mispronounciations are too cute!

  3. So cute.

    For a while I was the one who had a hard time being reverent during family prayer. Hearing the twins' sweet voices made me laugh so hard I cried. It was worse if I opened my eyes and saw their faces. Eyes shut tight and scrunched up mouths. Oh, goodness it was CUTE!!

  4. Wow, I laughed out loud. He is so sincere with it all. It's just like being there with ya'll. I love it. Thanks, thanks, thanks.

  5. I love it! Every bit of it!


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