Museum of Ancient Life

The kids received free entry to the Museum of Ancient Life at Thanksgiving Point as part of their summer reading swag.  The passes expired at the beginning of December so, you guessed it, we used them the weekend before we went out of town for Thanksgiving, haha.  But, we used them!  And the kids had a blast.

They spent a while in the first exhibit, which explored the science of sound.
The drum set was the biggest hit, as you can tell.

This museum has lots of skeletons to look at and placards to read, but there are also several hands-on
activities for kids mixed in.  They loved crawling in the cave tunnel, designing their own big dinosaur,
shaping the beach, doing the dinosaur puzzle, and playing paleontologists.
And one more picture, just for you, Aunt Suz.

This is the estimated size of prehistoric sharks.  Whoa!!
Of course, the only evidence that's been found is teeth, so they're not going on much.
But still.  Huge.


  1. I was on the phone with Ben and he asked if I'd seen this post. Not yet... O MY GOSH! You are so mean! That poor girl is about to get eaten!


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