
We stole away for about an hour one evening while Ben & Suz and Oma & Opa were here.  Ben had been sledding with the kids a couple of times, but it seemed like a good time to all get out and go together, so we did.  We drove to a fun hill nearby (technically in Provo, but just about a mile from our house) and had a great time.  It was pretty cold, so the kids were only sledding for about 30 minutes, but I'm so glad we went out and did something fun together.  

Warning: The pictures aren't great because we were there as the sun was setting.  Sorry about that.

After sledding for a little while, Jack really wanted to explore the park.  He wanted to see the different tracks in the snow (Snowmobiles?  Four wheelers?  Trucks?) and we had fun making our own tracks. Can you see how deep the snow was??

There's also a stream behind us in the picture, but we couldn't see it at all because of the haze hanging over the ground.  We walked over to the stream and saw that it was frozen, but I wasn't comfortable enough with how frozen it was to let Cat walk on the ice, much to her disappointment.

When we were through exploring, we made our way back to the car, dumped the snow out of boots and hoods and various other places, and drove to our warm house 5 minutes away.  It was a great way to spend an hour together!

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