Primary Program

Our younger three kids participated in the Primary Program on Sunday, the eldest, regrettably, having outgrown the Primary.  She didn't seem to mind too much, though, and joined Ben and me in appreciating the work that goes into the presentation and looking for entertainment from delinquent children (some of whom belonged to our family, but many of whom did not).

The Primary Program went very well.  Eliza was the first of our kids to speak.  She looked like a professional public speaker, knowing her part well but glancing down periodically for reference.

In the Premortal life, we chose to follow God’s plan for Jesus to be our Savior.
We came to earth to be tested, and to learn to choose the right so that we will be able
to return to our Heavenly Father and have eternal life. I can use my agency wisely by
going to church on Sunday.

Jack read his the entire time, but he spoke clearly enough that we could understand him well.

Nephi had courage to choose the right. He was able to get the gold plates from
Laban, testify to his brothers, make a new bow to hunt when there was no food,
and build a ship to take them to the promised land. He prayed often for strength and
knowledge to help him make good choices. Nephi was blessed for choosing the right.

Luke knew his part so well that when the leader stationed at the podium tried to help him, he told her he didn't need help and proceeded to speak with confidence.

We can fast and pray when we need help with a problem.

During the singing, Jack and Eliza seemed to sing and participate well (it was hard to see well from our seats in the gym, past the overflow), though Jack had the appearance of sitting on a trampoline, he was bouncing around so much during "As a Child of God."  (Most of the kids sat during that song because a small group took turns singing solos up front on the verses and the rest of the Primary joined in on the choruses.)  Luke didn't sing at all - he'd told me earlier in the week that he only knew the actions - but during the songs with actions, he was an eager participant.

The best part about the whole thing?  Eliza told me that night that she felt the Spirit when the Primary children and congregation joined together to sing "Choose the Right" as the closing song.

I am so thankful for the many men and women who help to make Primary a spiritual learning experience for my children!  I know from experience that serving in the Primary isn't easy, and the teachers' and leaders' love and dedication are much appreciated.

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