This Christmas

For the last few years I've been making an effort to help our family do more to look outward during the Christmas season.  In the past, we've included little service projects during in our activity advent, we've made a point of sharing treats with friends and neighbors, we've "given the baby Jesus" a collection of papers listing good deeds we've done, and we've contributed the spare change we've collected to a charitable cause.  But in an effort to try to integrate service into our thoughts and habits, we're trying to focus on small acts of kindness we can perform every day.  So tonight during FHE we talked about things we can do all day.  This is the list the kids and I came up with (as recorded by Cat):

Pick up their things if they fall
Write a nice note
Compliment them
Listen to them
Be encouraging
Be funny
Be nice
Sit with someone new
Say thank you
Pick up their trash
Say nice things
Help them carry
Hold door open
Talk to someone new
Behave (referring to being well-behaved at school)
Cheer someone up

Along the same lines, we wanted to try to help everyone in the family feel more loved and really encourage more service all the time, so we're also trying Secret Siblings this year.  Each of The Bigs was given a sibling to be his/her secret sibling.  They are to do secret acts of service until Christmas for their sibling, then reveal themselves with a gift on Christmas morning.  These are the ideas we came up with for Secret Sibling service (again, written down by Cat):

Make beds
Help in general
Help clean room
Talk nicer
Play with them
Let them help
Listen to them
Put away their things
Say sorry
Do their job
Let them talk
Be encouraging
Read to them
Help them get ready
Write nice notes
Fold laundry
Say please, thank you, and IU
Let them do their thing (meaning don't interfere if they are trying to practice piano or get homework done, etc.)

I'd still like to do some of the other bigger projects we've done in the past, but I'm hoping that by really emphasizing the little things, we can make service and intentional kindness more of a pattern for our family not just at Christmas time, but all year long.

How have you taught your family to be more service-oriented?  Is there anything special you do during the Christmas season to reduce the I-wants?

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