
My kids, particularly my boys, have been in Star Wars Mode since Halloween.  They role play Star Wars, they draw pictures of scenes and characters from Star Wars, they watch videos on YouTube related to Star Wars, and they have lots of lightsaber battles.  Over the last week or so Luke has taken the battles to a whole new level.  He will grab whatever he can that remotely resembles a long tube.  This has included popsicle molds, popsicle sticks, paper towel tubes, a children's Tylenol syringe, a 3-lb. tube of ground sausage from Costco, and more.  The other day when I was grocery shopping I had put some cucumbers in the cart near Luke and he handed me one and said, "Dis is yours." Then he grabbed one for himself and said, "I Darth Vader," and we had an epic battle right there.

A couple of weeks ago I decided to make Jack an actual lightsaber (well, without the plasma and the force field and all of that), and of course Luke wanted one too.  Hooray for paper towel tubes and duct tape!

1 comment:

  1. So glad Luke is big enough to be a real pal to Jack ( who is an amazing big brother in play!)


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