TBT - Eliza's Preschool Wrap-up, Part 2

I wanted to share these photos of oversized or 3D projects Eliza brought home from preschool last year, along with some pictures of things she did at school.

I forgot what kind of animal this is.
A sheep maybe?

(St. Patrick's Day)

This piece has seen better days, but I still like how they used rice & pasta to teach the life cycle of a butterfly.
Rice = egg
Rotini = caterpillar
Shell = chrysalis
Bowtie = butterfly

Another life cycle of a butterfly project.

It was Eliza's idea to make this egg open and close with a brad.

She worked on this during Zoo Week.

J & E with a scale depiction of a baby giraffe Eliza's class made.

From Bug Week.

From Restaurant Week.
The red/yellow paint are intended to resemble ketchup and mustard.

A baby chick from Farm week.

During Farm Week, the teachers turned the play house into a barn.

The grandfather of one of Eliza's classmates owns a pony and brought
it to the school so all the kids could have a ride.


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