Everyday Stuff - September 2015 Edition

Once in a while I'll let my kids run through a splash pad, fully dressed.
Then I'll abandon my plans to run another errand, and take everyone home to dry off.

Grammy has my kids hooked on Cinnamelts.
Too bad she wasn't around to help with clean-up...

One hectic soccer evening, the only time I could feed my kids dinner was while sitting in the
grass waiting for one kid's pre-game practice to start, before taking the other kid to a practice in another city.
During our picnic dinner, Luke preferred to play in the mud instead of eat.  This picture does NOT do the mess
justice.  He was stripped down and wiped off prior to getting into the car, and before I could get back to
Jack's soccer game after taking Cat to her practice, I had to make a stop at the house for new clothes.

Oh, how I love seeing my kids reading to each other.

I was so thankful that this particular Saturday morning, I was able to wake up
without an alarm, and that these two early risers let me read scriptures while
they colored in the kitchen.  It was what I needed after a busy week, with a busy
day ahead of me.

Cat and I got haircuts together one Saturday afternoon.
She was particularly impressed with the level of fanciness at the salon
because they offered us sodas before we got started.

Decades Day at School --
Jack just wanted to be a paleontologist, so we decided he would be Dr. James Jensen
(a famous paleontologist who taught at BYU from 1961-1986 and is known as "Dinosaur Jim")
Cat's decade was the 80's.

Eliza was a hippie, though she had trouble remembering the word
and while we were in the car she asked me if she was a "footie."

I took Eliza and Luke to see an exhibit of art from Little Golden Books at the Provo Library
and it was so cool. Luke loved the art from Tootle and The Fire Engine Book, of course.

When I was otherwise occupied, Luke occupied himself by pouring
out more than half of a bottle of dish detergent.  A lot of it went into diapers (?!?)
but I still spent quite a lot of time trying to scrub soap out of the carpet.

The bottle was new when he started pouring.

Luke did a lot of building temples in September.
He used a variety of materials for his building projects.
On this day, it was containers of pasta, rice, and dry beans.

We tried to play a family game of soccer in a grassy area in our
neighborhood after dinner one evening.  Luke insisted on holding the ball, though.
This made it rather difficult to play any soccer.

One of the souvenirs Ben brought home from a work trip to Connecticut
(which included a visit to Mark Twain's home) was a pack of stick-on mustaches.
(PS> I just found out I've been spelling "Connecticut" wrong my whole life.)

He also brought home a sack of marbles.  The kids tried to play, but I think we
have the wrong kind of carpet for marbles.

The excitement over and curiosity about new books in our house is fantastic.
And the kids wonder why I take them to the library so often...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I loved every minute of the blog! Did Cat get her hair trimmed too? It looked so long and flowing Sun evening. Especially love it that they read to each other and to themselves! Sorry about the unintended carpet shampooing:(


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