When Life Reflects Art

Almost every school day, this is what my morning with Eliza consists of: piano practice and reading.  I particularly appreciated the beauty on this day when Eliza was dressed for dance class while fulfilling her morning requirements.  This was the Wednesday before Halloween and we hadn't been told whether the kids in the class were allowed to wear costumes to dance class, so she and I decided this awesome tutu from my good friend would be a good middle ground - much more fun than the pretty little ballet skirt she normally wears, but not quite a full Halloween costume.  (Of course, just about everyone else was in their full costume, but oh well.)  Also, note that she is in a creative dance class so they dance barefoot, hence no dance shoes.  Just shoes to get her in and out of the class.

The point is, I couldn't resist pulling out my camera and getting a few candid shots of my smart, spirited, beautiful Eliza.  This is a view I want to remember.

1 comment:

  1. Me Too! Such a beautiful talented girl. So comfortable in her own skin.


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