Spring Break Round-Up

 I didn't take a lot of pictures during the first few days of Spring Break.  The kids and I were mostly just hanging out, spending time with cousins, running errands, and watching Little House on the Prairie.  It was nice to be on our own schedule, though, since almost all of the kids' activities were canceled for the week.

No soccer practice for Cat means working out with DVDs, and siblings.

Cheap ice cream makes a trip to the grocery store more fun for all of us.

The girls were more interested in helping me plant
Easter wheatgrass than the boys.

Just Dance: Cousin Edition

Cousin time before they move away.

A short stop at a nearby playground while Cat has her piano lesson.

On Friday morning we left for a short trip to Southern Utah to see Goblin Valley and Arches National Park.  I took LOTS of pictures on that trip, so I'll share them soon.

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