Cat's Science Fair Project

Cat was really enthusiastic about her science fair project this year.  She decided to build three styles of bridges using popsicle sticks and test each one to see which would hold the most weight.  She (or was it I?) recruited Ben to be the mentor for the project and they spent many hours on it together in the weeks leading up to the big day.  Even though they started pretty early, it ended up being a last-minute experiment as they had to change their designs and rebuild the bridges several times.

Cat and Ben tried various methods of breaking the bridges using measured weight, starting with a bucket full of water and heavy items.  These bridges ended up being much stronger than they expected, though, and soon the two of them would end up standing on the bridges with backpacks full of heavy items.  The strongest one actually held up until it was burdened with 189 pounds of weight!

(Jack wanted in on the bridge-building too.)

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