Goblin Valley

Our quick trip to Goblin Valley was memorable for a few reasons.  The Goblin-like rock formations are amazing, and the kids had a great time running around, climbing, and even playing in the sand.  It was pretty cold and windy, though, and we all ended up with sand in our hair, ears, teeth, etc.  We had a picnic lunch but it was a challenge to keep the plates and other items from blowing away.  The other memorable part of the visit was that Luke got sick while we were there - once in the visitor's center and once on the ground while we were having lunch.  Poor guy had told us earlier that he thought he would throw up, and he was right.  He was better after his little episode, though, only acted a little lethargic for the rest of the trip.

The kids completed the Junior Ranger program here, too, so they're basically experts at this point, with lots of bling to prove it.

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