Shark Teeth

Eliza with two loose front teeth in mid-March.

Lost the first one on April Fool's Day.

Lost the second one a few days later during our trip to Goblin Valley.

At the dentist's office a few weeks later...

and the incoming and outgoing teeth in her x-ray immediately
made me think of how sharks have rows of teeth.  Eek!

The first graders traditionally sing "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" during the school's Sing Around the Tree event.  Eliza might have been one of the few first graders with both baby front teeth in tact when she sang it in December, so we've done our best to make up for that by having her say "Sister Susie Sitting on a Thistle" over and over again.  She's getting tired of it, but I'm not.  It's pretty cute.

On a somewhat related note, my boys squeezed onto a single exam table so they could
watch "Transformers Prime" while we waited for the dentist to do Jack's exam.

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