Cat's Soccer Season, continued

In addition to being a group of talented girls led by a great coach, this soccer team gets along really well and they have a lot of fun together.

I think we can attribute at least some of their chemistry to the extra-curricular activities the coaches put together.  In addition to the camping trip in Roosevelt, the girls helped with a big corporate service project where they assembled aid packages.

When there was a long stretch of time during the season without a game, coach scheduled a time for the girls to do team-building activities at a nearby ropes course and took everyone out for ice cream afterwards.

After the last game, most of the families who were there went out for ice cream at a famous burger joint called Dairy Keen.  The kids loved the train motif with all of the cool things to see in the restaurant and the train table outside.

This weekend, coach hosted a cookout at his house and we found out that the team's record was good enough that they will be moving up one or two levels of competition for the spring season.  They are currently in the lowest of 6(?) state competition divisions, so they will be in either #5 or #4 in the spring.  He's concerned that they haven't been challenged enough in their current bracket and wants to have to really push the girls so they don't get lazy.  One of his favorite sayings is "I'd rather reign in a wild stallion than whoop a jackass" and he thinks he's been doing too much whooping, haha.

Speaking of Coach Scott Quotes, Cat likes this one: "Excuses are like armpits.  Everyone has one, and they all stink."  And I took a picture of Cat's white board over the summer when she wrote down a third Coach Scott Quote, so that I could share it with him.

I still feel so lucky that Scott found Cat and wanted her on his team.  It's worked out great for her and is really helping her to develop as an athlete and as a person.

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