The Pumpkin Patch

In spite of rain and chilly temperatures, we ventured to the pumpkin patch on the last day of Fall Break.  It was colder and more wet than we would have liked, but there were no crowds!  And even though Cat decided she'd had enough after about an hour and chose to sit in the car while the rest of us continued our adventure, I'm still considering it a win.  Plus, we had an excuse to finally pick up that big tub of hot chocolate mix I've had my eye on at Costco, and make some warm drinkable deliciousness as soon as we could.

We jumped on the hay ride first.  We didn't bring our umbrella because rain in Utah is
usually of the drizzle variety.  This time, it wasn't.  It rained enough for us to stay cold and
wet for the rest of the visit, haha.

All smiles before we were completely soaked.

Look who we saw during the hay ride!
Did you know that Sasquatch actually lives in a corn field in Springville?

This picture was Cat's idea.  Love it.

Wallaby + 2 Billy Goats Gruff

Cat buried Eliza in feed corn.

And in case you're wondering, yes, we brought lots of corn kernels
home with us.  I found it in the car, scattered in the house, in the laundry...
It sure is fun to play in though!

I usually try to avoid corn mazes (I secretly like it when pumpkin patches charge extra to go through
the corn maze because it's my excuse to stay away) but this one was included in our super cheap admission
so I let the kids talk me into it.  That was a mistake.  After a test-run, we made it back to the entrance and Cat
decided to go hang out in the car.  The next time, the younger kids and I went deeper into the maze and
got so turned around that I really started to worry about how long it would be before we saw Cat again.
We might have even left the corn field altogether and started walking through the pumpkin
patch in our desperation to make it back alive...

1 comment:

  1. OOOOH, scary! I felt the panic. BTW my favorite is the picture with the haystacks and children stacks too.


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