More from Luke

Toward the beginning of the school year, Luke and I had a little lesson where I taught him about the letter A.  He quickly grasped the concept and started identifying capital A's all over the place, repeating the motions I taught him for how to form the letter.  "Up!  Down!  Cross!"  When he and I made sugar cookies a few weeks ago, he wanted to make some A cookies and I happily obliged.

"Don't talk to me!" is what I often hear from Luke when he's about to do something he knows he shouldn't do and doesn't want me to tell him to stop.  Other times, he revels in his mischievous success.  For example, sneaking a juice box and bag of Goldfish and hiding on the far side of the couch long enough to enjoy a private snack before anyone finds him.


After hearing Jack's enthusiastic dinosaur-heavy conversation for a few days, Luke asked me, "Mom, do you want to meet a Utahraptor in a dark alley?"

"Smile, Luke!"

One day when I was driving him around running errands, we approached a stoplight and he informed me, "Blue means go."

Something else I've heard in the car - on multiple occasions - is that Luke doesn't want me to pick up the big kids, doesn't want to have the big kids anymore, or doesn't like them.  This is usually after being forced to go with me to pick them up after insisting that we not leave the house.  And he's usually screaming and crying.  (Then again, when they're playing with him, reading to him, sharing snacks with him, etc., he likes them a whole lot.  So I'm not too worried about it.)

Somebody was playing with Eliza's lip gloss...
I can't be positive, because I was jogging in the canyon and he was talking to me from the seat of the jogging stroller, which makes it hard to hear.  But I'm pretty sure that the other day he said, "I'm the king of Google!"

Ben: What's that kid's pet?
Luke: A fish!
Ben: What's that kid's pet?
Luke: A bear!
Ben: What's that kid's pet?
Luke: A octopus!
Ben: What's that kid's pet?
Luke: A monkey!
Ben: What's that kid's pet?
Luke: A pine cone!

After some attempts at correcting this last one,
Luke now uses the hybrid term "pikey-pones" to refer to porcupines.
I think I might start using that name myself.

The biggest bit of news from my favorite three-nager is that he is officially using the potty!  It all started about a month ago when I started letting the other kids have the gummy bears I'd bought Luke as potty treats, since he wasn't interested in using the potty.  Well before I knew it, he was peeing on the potty, wearing underwear all the time, and happily giving all of his "old" diapers to a neighbor boy.

He stays dry during naps and at bedtime (he's only woken up wet once in the night, and will usually sleep all the way through the night without having to get up to use the bathroom) and is starting to figure out about #2.  

Overall, he's been very easy to potty train (after two failed attempts over the last year and a half, cough cough) and I'm SO EXCITED.  I'll even show you a picture of Luke modeling his underwear (Blake Shelton-style) while using powdered milk as a pillow: 

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