Where did May go?

I've been wanting to blog on a regular basis for a while now but never could seem to get caught up to make it happen.  Finally, at the beginning of June I decided I'd just start blogging daily or almost daily, and catch up on the stuff I missed later on.  So if you were paying attention and you noticed that on the old bloggity blog, May never actually happened, you can feel better knowing that I'm going to start fixing that today.  Maybe I'll do a TBT every week or something.  We'll see how it goes.  I intend to get completely caught up at some point - and then keep it that way.

Anyway, here are some highlights from May to get us started.

We got to hang out with some good friends from the MBA program who moved
about 10 hours away for their job.  We were so glad that we could steal them for a few
hours while they were visiting family in Utah.  Thank you for making the time to hang out!

Eliza learned a few new skills: crossing her eyes, tying her shoes (at least getting
the fundamentals down), and blowing bubbles with bubble gum.

Ben did a lot of this, helping Cat prepare for softball.

Eliza gave her first talk in Primary and did a great job!
She and Ben worked on the talk together and her delivery was great.

Mother's Day breakfast in bed.  Love it.
We enjoyed going to the Provo Children's Book Festival for the 3rd year in a row.
This year Kevin Henkes was the featured author, so we got to meet Lily
(as in Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse).  Henkes also wrote Chrysanthemum
and Sheila Rae, the Brave, among other books.

While we were at the festival, Eliza stumbled upon an unguarded
mic, which was turned on.  Jackpot!

Cat then got a sanctioned chance to use the mic,
reading Sheila Rae, the Brave to us.

I took Eliza on a date to see Peter Pan and had such a great time!
The steam punk themed production was wonderful, and having
Eliza as my companion was a real treat.

And in the coming weeks you can expect posts about Jack's birthday & learning to ride a bike; the end of the school year festivities (including Cat's stint as Florence Nightingale and Jack's Kindergarten graduation); Memorial Day; and Operation: Protect The Office (a losing battle to keep Luke out of the office/craft room).  It'll be great!

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