Walking In a Winter Wonderland

We had our first real snow at the beginning of December, and the kids were so excited to go play in it!  I played outside with the three younger kids while Cat was at school.  We made a little snowman, and since we were ill-prepared and didn't have a carrot for the nose, we had to settle for celery instead.  That evening, all of the big kids went out to play.  I let them fill squirt bottles with colored water, which is why it looks like the snowman was killed in a bloody battle in the last picture.

A few days before Christmas, my extended family got together for sledding at Liberty Park in Salt Lake.  It was a lovely day and we have such a fun time sledding and hanging out with everyone.  Luke had a couple of turns sledding, and as you can see from the video below, he also had his first experience of falling off of a sled.  Thank goodness he survived unscathed.

Ben and Eliza had a close call, though.  Everyone was sledding down one side of the hill, and it was a little too steep for Eliza.  She decided to try the other side of the hill, which looked less intimidating.  She went down and continued to slide for a while on relatively flat ground.  Ben went down after her and, having never been to this park before, didn't realize that both of them had actually stopped on a pond.  He looked over to see part of the pond that wasn't frozen and quickly but carefully got himself and Eliza back on to the hill.  Yikes!

My cousin James made this cool video of the sledding fun - 

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