Valentine's Day

We didn't go crazy this Valentine's Day, but it still had its share of festivation.

Preparing class Valentines on Valentine's Day Eve

This is the Valentine box Cat made for school, completely independently.
Didn't she do well?

Pink heart waffles and conversation hearts for breakfast.
Why not start the Day-o-Sugar off right?

Jack and his desk cluster showing off the Valentine bags they made.
Their party was pretty simple, but Jack loved it all the same.

Cat in her classroom with her Valentine box.

I ate lunch with Cat and her friends before their class party began.
For some reason, none of the kids wanted to eat these weird-looking
cookies the cafeteria served, so I ended up with a few extras.

I brought some V-Day Minute to Win It games to play during the class party.
Not surprisingly, the two Japanese students did the best at moving conversation hearts
from one bowl to the other using chopsticks.

Stacking the hearts as high as you can in a minute.

Trying to eat a berry Oreo placed on your forehead without using your hands.
All of the kids were actually pretty good at this one, but most of them didn't like
that flavor of Oreo, haha.

We had our customary fondue dinner and dessert, which was Carb-O-Licious.

Luke was pretty excited to get his hands on a fancy glass.

Jack, our chocoholic, quite enjoyed the chocolate fondue.

After dinner, we watched a Utahan win a silver medal in Skeleton.

Then the kids insisted that we have  ball, and the girls got all dressed up for dancing.
I think this was everyone's favorite part of the day.  We need to do it more often -
we had a blast dancing with each other, and it's such good exercise.

Of course, after all of the festivities, the kids ended up getting to
bed pretty late, but it was worth it.  What a fun day!

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