Luke's 10th Month

One great development for me this month was that I figured out a reliable schedule for Luke.  He probably had it long ago, but it took me a while to equate it with time on the clock.  He really is a very self-scheduled baby, which is so great.  He allows for some
flexibility when we need it, but is happy to wake up at about 7, nap from about 9-11:15, then go down for another nap around 1:30.

Luke stopped nursing this month.

Luke got FOUR more teeth on top,
and does a LOT of self-feeding.

More self-feeding...

Starting to be more curious and get into stuff.
He loves to go into the bathroom so that he can knock over the
trash can and explore its contents, and pull on the toilet paper.
So of course now we have a KEEP THE DOOR CLOSED policy.

Pulling himself up to standing.  He loves this Leap Pad table now!

He finally started big boy crawling all the time!
He had been Army crawling for months, so we were all excited when he made the transition.

Month by month...

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