Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

We found this cool model train at a thrift store a couple of weeks before Christmas.
It was a huge hit, with Ben as well as Jack.

Tree Shopping.

Girls were focused on ornaments, boys were focused on train.

Lovin' it!

Jack spent quite a lot of time in this position, just watching the train.

One of the traditions at the kids' school is that they have a big gathering called "Sing Around the Tree" in the gym before Christmas break.  Each grade prepares a song to sing for the whole school, and between songs, the Student Council shares information about Christmas and other Winter holidays around the world.  The kids got to wear pajamas to school, and had a lot of fun with this little shindig.

Looking over at the 3rd Grade.
High five if you can spot Cat in the crowd.


There's Jack!

The whole gym.

Some of the male teachers put together a band and performed
"Rockin' In a Winter Wonderland." It was pretty bad.  The kids LOVED it.


  1. What a great school! All schools should be like this.

  2. I found Cat! What do I win?

    Also, those pictures of Jack watching that train are SO awesome.


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