Sibling Sleepovers

When we moved into this house a year ago, we began a new tradition: the Sibling Sleepover.  During the 2 months prior to the move, The Bigs had been camping out in various locations as we traveled across the country, then stayed at my aunt's house while we looked for a place to live.  Living here, where they were separated into different bedrooms, was an adjustment, and they still wanted to be together at least some of the time.

We started having Sibling Sleepovers occasionally, where The Bigs would all sleep in Cat's room, sometimes with the extra sleepover feature of a TV show or movie, but often they simply slept.  This also functioned to fill the desire for sleepovers, since our family doesn't allow the kids to spend the night at friends' houses.

What began as an occasional special evening has recently become a weekend tradition, where everyone sleeps in Cat's room on the nights that are not school nights.  Last weekend they watched a show together on my laptop right before bed and had a great time.  But even better than that for me was when I walked downstairs to get Luke this morning and found all three of the big kids awake in Cat's room, with the lights on, reading their own books.  It was one of those times when I didn't want to ruin the moment by interrupting.

I don't know how long this tradition will last, but I think I'm enjoying it as much as the kids, if not more.

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