Shortest Hike Ever

Yesterday we headed back up to Little Cottonwood Canyon again for a short hike to a waterfall.  We didn't have a lot of time as we were going to my cousin's house for dinner, but we were itching to do something cool and we knew Saturday would be filled with other things.  We tried to follow some vague directions I found online, but ended up going down the wrong trail.  (These things aren't exactly marked with big green Interstate-type signs.)  After dealing with traffic and rain on our way up there, we were a bit disheartened that the weather was not only rainy when we arrived, it was also pretty chilly.  But the hike was supposed to be short (thank goodness this one was also very short) so we grabbed jackets and blankets and towels, wrapped up, and started walking.

Within about 5 minutes, the large trail we were following ended at a closed gate.  So we scrambled down the rocks to get to a pretty little river, where we explored a bit and took some pictures.  Cat started walking in the water right away (we'd worn flip flops for this reason) but ended up losing one of her shoes.  I was sure it was a goner, but Cat hurried over the rocks and was able to catch it, falling into the water in the process.  She was soaked from the waist down, but was glad to have retrieved her shoe.

It was a good little excursion, and we're hoping to do some more exploring in that area soon.


  1. These are beautiful. Maybe the weather added to the chill western mountain feel but I can almost hear the water. Cat looks so tall. Love you!

  2. I agree with Joyce! Brrrr. Nice comparison to our extreme heat and humidity. Love the pics.


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