More Miscellany

Cat has been making soups lately, without recipes.
This was her first attempt, and the kids loved it.
I've forgotten now what all of the ingredients were, but I know
it consisted of angel hair pasta, carrots, beef broth,
a wide variety of herbs and seasonings.

I'd probably sound bitter if I attempted to list all of the meals I've
slaved over, which the kids merely turned up their noses at, so I won't.

During a Saturday morning cleaning session, I had Jack and Eliza
helping me by cleaning out the fridge.  They had such a good time
with this, they literally sang about how fun it was to clean out the fridge.
After this task, I couldn't get Jack to do another thing.  He was done.
Eliza lasted about 15 more minutes before giving out.  But at least
they were happily helping for a little while! 

Jack and Ben worked together to make a castle out of
cardboard on Sunday.  Jack drew a picture of what the castle
should look like, and Ben cut out all four sides and taped them
together.  He even made a cool little drawbridge-hinged
door using toothpicks.  Once the castle was finished, Ben and Jack
had some epic battles using figurines and Mega Bloks.

Also on Sunday, I decided to try my hand at curling my hair.  This is something
I haven't done in years.  Literally.  It's been such a long time since my hair even
resembled anything curly that Eliza kept telling me how "weird" I looked all day.
When she first saw me, she said, "You look different!" I asked her if she liked it,
and she put her finger up to her mouth to think. After a moment of reflection,
she looked at me again and shrugged.

1 comment:

  1. I think you look beautiful.
    Glad you had some little helpers for a few minutes.
    And maybe you could just let Cat cook that soup once a week and you can take a break - only make sure the cook does the cleaning up also. They are lucky to have a mom who is willing to try new things. When they are grown they can say, "Oh yes, we had that at our house", and be all sophisticated:)


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