Eliza's Big Day

Eliza finally started school today.  She has been asking when she would start school for months.  Last year, I told her that she would start school after summer was over.  When summer vacation started for Cat and Jack, Eliza was anxious to start school right away.  She made it to the end of summer pretty well, but when Back to School night came around a couple of weeks ago, she was very disappointed that she didn't get to begin going to school right away - as in that night.  Then Cat and Jack started and it was sadness all over again.  But she survived and was rewarded for her patience today.  Thank goodness, it did not disappoint.

Ben and I dropped Eliza off and she was so thrilled to get started that she happily posed for a few pictures in front of the school, then skipped and sang her way to the door.  It's hard to hear in the video, but E's singing "I'm going to schoo-ool!  I'm going to schoo-ool!"  It was precious.

(We were looking for her cubby so she could hang her back pack up.)

We stayed long enough to help her do the first task (always writing her name on a slip of paper and taping it to a board up front in a "yes" or "no" column under the question of the day) and see her begin her first play time task: play dough.  She was in hog heaven.

She told us after school that in addition to play dough, she played at the sand table, did a song and dance with her teacher ("It was so hard!"), used the stamps ("They have covers on them so you don't get your hands messy!") read a book (The Kissing Hand), played outside during recess, and ate a cupcake.

We also had cupcakes for dessert tonight as a celebration treat.  Eliza helped me make them this morning, which was fun.  Luke woke up from a nap while we were working on the cupcakes and he wasn't quite as helpful... at one point he grabbed a knife and tried to stick it in the electric mixer.  Yikes!  So glad we all lived to see another day.

The other funny thing that happened this morning was when E and I were using my stamps, making cards together.  After a lot of work on one card (pink cardstock with feminine stamps in feminine colors), she wanted to write something and I grabbed a few pens for her to choose from.  I brought over pink, purple, and black pens.  She responded with, "Thanks Mom.  I don't need the black."  (You did notice her outfit and backpack, I hope.  Love that girly girl.)

I have to admit, it's a bit strange to have three kids attending school now.  Cat and Jack are both in school all day, but I'm glad that Eliza is only going to school for a few hours a day, 4 days a week.  It's nice to have her around as much as I do.  After all, she'll be all grown up tomorrow.


  1. So true about the grown up tomorrow! Oh, I love, love, love her happy going to school attitude. What a joy.

  2. Precious, precious child. I love the skipping but it looks like her backpack is going to eat her. If it ever has anything in it, she will have to crawl home. Eliza certainly is herself but like her mom in very many ways.

  3. How cute! I wish my kids were that enthusiastic about going back next week :)


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