My Boo-deh-ful Girl

One nice thing about Cat and Jack being in school is that I've had so much time with Eliza.  She makes a great little buddy!  Yesterday we put Luke in the stroller and went for a walk around our neighborhood, which is a distance of 1/3 of a mile.  Eliza wanted to look at and collect so many things, and talk to people we saw, and play games hiding the things she found so that I was on an Easter Egg Hunt-type mission that our 1/3 of a mile walk took 40 minutes.  It made me laugh that we even got lapped by a couple of octogenarians - and not the spritely variety.  But it was fun to just enjoy ourselves and let Eliza be in charge.  Later in the day we ran some errands, read books, watched a movie, and painted nails.

Today Eliza helped me with a little house project, then she wanted to paint so I got everything out for her and worked on a couple of little things while she painted.  Later a neighbor brought over her 1-year-old for a play date, then Eliza picked some flowers for me and left them very mysteriously on the front step, running away after she knocked on the door.  Oh, she's such a sweetheart.

I told Eliza to brush her hair before we went on our walk yesterday.
This is how she came out of the bathroom.
Beaming, she asked me, "Am I boo-deh-ful?"

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