
The kids came across our walkie talkies the morning we were packing up to go camping and were dying to use them. So we taught them about how you press the button and hold it down when you talk. Cat was the only one who grasped this concept, but that didn't keep them from having tons of fun talking into them, using their version of walkie talkie lingo. It made me laugh to hear over and over again "I read! I read!"

They started playing hide and seek with the walkie talkies, the idea being that they would give each other clues on the little devices, but of course this didn't work as intended since only Cat used the things correctly. They had a great time anyway. Can you spot Eliza in her hiding spot??

The ironic thing is, we didn't use the walkie talkies at all while we were camping.

1 comment:

  1. What a cool game ( if the walkie talkies were used with button pushing technique).


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