Family-Friendly Nightlife

We had fun things to do every night this weekend.  That doesn't seem to happen when you're a family with 4 young children, huh?  But we loved it.

Friday night we met up with some extended family at my cousin's house.  We enjoyed a yummy dinner and caught up with everyone after our various summer adventures, and the kids had a blast hanging out with all of the other kids - their 1st cousins twice removed, I think??  They ran around outside, chasing each other and collecting snails, and they ran around inside, playing with toys and dressing up in costumes.

Saturday night was our ward's summer party at a nearby park and we had a great time.  The night was off to a fantastic start with face painting.  Our friend let Eliza paint her face, once Eliza's face was complete; Cat ended up with a full dog face; and Jack had two Batman logos.  The kids also played volleyball and soccer and just enjoyed being with their friends.  After dinner, I let Luke have free reign on the playground and he had a BLAST.  We'll have to go back soon before winter hits.

Sunday night some friends invited us to join them for a free concert fireside at a nearby amphitheater. The headlining act presenter was Nashville Tribute Band, whom we've heard a lot about, and they did not disappoint.  It was the most fun I've had at a spiritually-focused event in a long time.... probably since I attended EFY.  The kids enjoyed it too (though Jack was just as entertained by the toys the other children brought as he was with the fireside).  It was also extra cool that our friends were related to the folks who planned the event, so we got to sit on the 4th row; there were several hundred people in attendance, so we were pretty lucky.


These are my favorites of the songs they performed:

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post. Listened to the songs and felt such emotion. Thanks for sharing.


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