SD Week 11 - Summer Break

Our first official week of summer!  It was so nice to not worry about any schoolwork.  We didn't even do "summer work" that first week.  It was lovely.

Ben and Suz headed out on their first town-hunting trip the same day that construction began on our chicken coop and Eliza returned to gymnastics after 2.5 months of deprivation.

The kids made sure that the chicks said goodbye to Ben and Suz too.

The kids enjoyed getting to watch the construction
of the chicken coop, and even help a little.

She didn't want me to take this picture but I insisted on capturing this moment:
she finished her first gymnastics workout after quarantine - hallelujah!

We decided not to sign the kids up for any summer camps this year, in an attempt to limit their exposure to people (germs) we don't know and prevent them from gathering in large groups.  They were sad, especially Eliza, but they understand.  I'm looking forward to having so much time together this summer, though, and this week we began implementing a new routine for summer.  One of the major components is to spend some time outside every morning (and worry about the work later in the day) so that we can take advantage of the cool, pleasant weather in the mornings.  One of our first morning activities was to do sidewalk chalk on our driveway.

These gals are his favorite.
He "checks on the chickens" multiple times throughout the day.

Grammy liked to have Yes Days with the kids, so I decided we'd commemorate Grammy's birthday with a Yes Day.  The kids had some work they needed to do (but less than usual), which they could have finished earlier in the week, but they all chose to let it drag out through Friday and into most of Saturday.  Luckily, they finished at 4:45 so we were still able to have a Yes Day Evening, and it was really fun.  The kids wanted to stay up late watching movies and eating pizza, so we started out watching "SCOOB!" while we ate our pizza dinner, then we took a break and spent some time outside before watching "Despicable Me 2."  A great night.

Yes Day's movie intermission included tag,

a tickle fight, and human pyramids (see below).

I don't remember why Eliza was putting an ice cube on Cat's forehead.
You should ask them next time you talk to them.  Or maybe I should.

On Sunday we took Ben to Poppy Field, since he hadn't been with us the first time.  We also did a few more things for Grammy's birthday: eating Hostess Donettes (one of her favorite treats), watching the slideshow from the funeral, and talking about what we'd give her for her birthday if we could.

Hooray for Summer Break!  FINALLY!

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