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More fun... at home!

We painted the chicken coop!  The kids were very helpful and we got everything painted in one evening.  We let the paint dry for a few days before letting the girls move in.  (More on that later.)

I began aiming for a loose summer schedule, with this general idea:

8:00 CFM
8:30 breakfast
9:00 outside time
11:00 piano/reading/learning
12:00 lunch
1:00 piano/reading/learning
2:00 free time
6:00 dinner
7:00 family time
8:30 bedtime

Learning = math (MW), typing (TR), and writing (F).

I think our Friday writing time will mostly be prompted journal time, but we will probably do some creative writing occasionally.  But admittedly, writing time was mostly conceived as a way to have Luke write on a regular basis, since he really hates writing and I could see him going the entire summer writing next to nothing.  So I shouldn't have been surprised that after a few hours, when he finally wrote his four requisite sentences for our first prompt (What adventures do you envision for yourself this summer?), his paper said "I won't write." four times.

Eliza was so excited when I finally got a bag of frozen potstickers from Costco.
She's getting pretty good at cooking them herself too!

After we read this page I suggested we stare into space.
Luke said, "I can't stare into space.  But I can blink.  I'm going to blink into space."

The kids helped me make a giant Twister mat for my family reunion in July.

We had some hail on Sunday morning,
so Jack got geared up before going outside to check it out.

Luke bought himself this large stuffed squid on Amazon and it took a whole week to arrive.
Once it arrived, he was adamant that we watch 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, which we did.
He also told me, "I have a theory. Kraken's ink can actually erase someone's memory and they do that to people that survive boat crashes that the Kraken did. And the Kraken could be real cause there is no proof.  There is a bunch of proof actually. Some scientists found a little bit of squid ink in the water and they studied it and studied it and studied it and they don't know what it is now but they think it came from an oversized squid."  So there you go.

That weekend was supposed to be the beginning of a reunion for all of Ben's family.  It was cancelled due to concerns over Covid, so I suggested we have a big video gathering instead.  On Sunday evening we had a Zoom chat that included a trivia slideshow (see it here), jokes from the kids, and general visiting.  It was really nice to see so many of us together, even online.

I really hunted to find as many fun pictures of everyone in the family as I could. :-)

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