Columbia with Grammy + Megan's Crew

The last time we were in South Carolina was July 2015, so for approximately the last four years I've been planning the things I wanted to do with my kids next time we were in my home town.  There were 6 things on my short list.  Well, we accomplished 4 of my 6 short-list items: eating at Groucho's Deli; attending church in my home ward; visiting one of my favorite sites: Finlay Park; and taking the kids to see the beautiful State House.  (What short-list items did we not accomplish?  Well, we didn't eat at Little Pigs BBQ, but since it has been in operation since 1963 I'm confident that it will still be open next time we're in town.  And the Saluda River where I have such fond memories of hanging out is now toxic, so we're hoping for another oppotunity to visit that spot.  It's always good to have something to look forward to, anyway, right?  And while I'm on the topic, I'll make a note here to take the kids to see our SV house, and my high school on the next trip.  And the Columbia LDS Temple.  And I'd like take a little detour to Charleston.  And perhaps a detour in the opposite direction to go to Asheville.  Okay, that's all.)

Eliza started loving Megan's house as soon as she saw the turtle hanging out in the front yard.

Dinner at Groucho's!  Did not disappoint!

Snowballs for dessert - love it!

Back at Megan's house that night, Colin not only shared his drum set with Eliza
and the other kids, he taught them a few things as well.

Then he did some demonstrating for us.  Awesome!

We went to my home ward in the morning, which was wonderful!
Then after church we drove about 30 minutes to visit Ben's best friend
since childhood and have lunch with his family.

The kids had so much fun together and are all pretty much best friends now too.

Back at Megan's house, Cat and Drew tried out the tandem bike by riding it around the pond.

Jack took a turn on the drum set.

And then the games began.  Uno.

Heads Up.

Up and Down the River.
(I was the biggest loser on that round.)

Cat & Courteney

On Tuesday we drove downtown for a little adventure.
First, we walked around the State house.  Isn't it a cool building?
Seeing this monument that honored African American History made me happy -
it is a welcome addition to the grounds.
The blossom on this Magnolia tree was enormous!

Having Megan with us meant that she could share loads of school teacher field
trip knowledge, including the fact that these monolithic columns are among the biggest in the world.

This building was under construction during the Civil War.
While the original capitol building was burned by Sherman, this one survived.
Stars on the exterior mark where canons hit the building during the war.

Next, we stopped at my favorite Southeastern grocery store for subs and lunch fixin's,
then drove to Finlay Park.  This is Columbia's version of Central Park, with views of the skyline on one side and a beautiful residential area on the other side.  I visited this park many times over the years, to see plays or concerts or go on dates or hang out with family or friends or take pictures or to start or finish a race.  I always thought it was so cool with its big fountain and manmade waterfall you could walk under and ampitheater and restaurant and picnic areas and.... now it's pretty dilapidated.  The fountain and waterfall weren't on, the restaurant was closed, things were very overgrown, and I'm pretty sure the only other people who were there were homeless.  It made me sad.  But we had a yummy picnic and I waxed sentimental and I'm really glad we went.

Then it was home to change into bathing suits so we could finally hit the POOL!  Megan's neighborhood pool was really fun and it's good that we all now know how ruthless Courteney when she's chicken fighting.

Then it was back to Megan's to change clothes, eat dinner, and say our goodbyes.
Back at the house, Colin and Eliza squeezed in some more Speed before dinner.

We LOVED having a few days with Megan's family and Grammy!  It was great to spend time with everyone, and I am always thrilled by how great the cousins are together even though they don't see each other often.  So much fun.

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