And Another Thing

There was one more fun thing that happened during Fall Break.  I hope you'll forgive me for forgetting about it, as I didn't participate.  While I was at choir rehearsal that Thursday evening, Cat's soccer team was asked to be ball girls for the BYU Women's team.  Ben took the rest of the kids and they all watched the game and enjoyed sports-food, including having a Cougar Tail for the first time.  (This is a traditional - cannibalistic? - treat at BYU athletic events which can basically be described as a XXL maple bar.  It was big enough for everyone to get some and for Ben to save a section for me to sample when I got home.)

The kids had fun, and Ben survived the long game as the only adult, and Cat was there too, enjoying being with her team and soaking up the atmosphere, though there is no photographic evidence that she was in attendance.

Ben brought everyone to the game early so that Cat could meet up with her team.
It's a good thing they arrived when they did, or else they might not have had a seat.

Why the Cougars are frying, frosting, and consuming their own tails is beyond me...

Always fun to hang out with Cosmo.

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