
The other fun thing we did with the kids when Mom was visiting recently was to visit the Springville Museum of Art.  Well, I should say that it was most eagerly anticipated by Mom and me, but I think the kids had a good time too, in the end.

I was anxious to take Mom because the museum had a quilt show I knew she would enjoy, which was put on by the museum and the Utah Valley Quilt Guild.  It was cool to see the incredible variety of the quilts, and of course the amazing talents of the quilters.  The museum would be awarding one quilt a People's Choice award, so we had fun finding our favorites.  Below you see each person with the quilt he/she chose:

When we were finished admiring the quilts, we went down to the basement for Open Studio time and tried our hand at some quilting-type activities of our own.  Luke and I played with papers to "piece" together.  Cat drew a pretty geometric design that would make an awesome quilt.  Eliza drew and began working on an embroidery project.  Jack did some drawings on paper.

This is such a great little art museum, and I love the ways they help children learn about art and get creative.  Glad you could visit with us Mom!

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