An Accidental Day of Dahl

We were vising a good friend in Idaho last week, who happens to be a musical theater enthusiast.  She introduced us to Matilda and loves it so much that I decided to check out the soundtrack from the library.  Luke and I made a quick trip this morning to grab the CD and we've been listening to it throughout the day.  Here are my favorite songs so far:

We ended up back at the library after picking up the big kids from school so that they could replenish their new book supply (side note: Jack checked out more than one book about the Loch Ness Monster and other such mystical creatures).  I noticed this quote on the wall in the upstairs children's area, which I hadn't noticed before:

After the second trip to the library, we went home for Luke's nap and the big kids' piano practice.  I had been hoping that a play date might work out, but it didn't, and we needed to get out of the house, so I came up with a couple of options and let the kids decide.  Either we could go to a park for a bit, then come home for dinner and watching the Olympics.  OR go to the cheapest-of-cheap-theaters to see the BFG and have a late dinner when we get home.  They chose BFG.

I was nervous to take the kids by myself because I wasn't sure Luke would be interested, but he actually paid attention pretty well.  (After our conversation in the car on the way home, I decided Luke didn't understand much of what was going on, but at least he was mostly quiet during the movie and we all stayed together.)

The movie was really good, and even got Cat's seal of approval, which is a big deal because she's the biggest Roald Dahl fan I know.  After our day today, I think I'm going to have to follow Cat's example and read more Roald Dahl.  I think I haven't given his works the attention they're due.


  1. He is one of my kids' favorite authors! They have both read just about all of his. Needless to say they were pretty excited when the movie came out. Matilda plays on TV quite a bit - one of Ashlyn's favorite.


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