Cat's Favorite Day of Summer?

Cat has been asking since school got out whether I know who her new teacher is.  Her school doesn't tell students until the week before school starts, but that didn't stop her from asking me quite frequently.  We got the email this week while we were out of town, and all of the kids are excited about their teachers.  Cat's is a new teacher but she's sure that she'll be great.

Cat has also been begging to go school supply shopping.  I promised her that when we got home from our trip, we would get that done.  Yesterday, she went through the ads at various stores to find the best prices on supplies, and today we made our big shopping trip.  (Turns out, Staples had the best prices on almost everything we needed, and then matched the prices we found that were cheaper elsewhere, plus a little extra.  One stop and we were done!)

Cat enlisted Eliza's help in getting everything organized into bags for each student.  She labeled binders and notebooks with a Sharpie marker and bagged up pencils so that each kid had just the right number.

I asked her if this was her favorite day of summer.  She said no.

"Is it in your top five?"


1 comment:

  1. What an organizer! Takes after her 'Grammy' and her Mom:)


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