That's a Mouthful

We've gotten into the habit over the last several months of moving the chairs and stools away from the counters and table, because the Toddler in Residence loves to climb and get into things.  Sometimes he manages to move the chairs or stools despite our best efforts, but usually if they're against the walls, he'll leave them there.

One day last week someone had left a stool by the counter, right below the snack & gum cupboard.  Luke seized the opportunity to raid the cupboard and by the time I discovered him, he had at least three, if not four, full-sized pieces of gum in his mouth.

He wasn't very happy about me placing him on the floor, and throwing the gum away.

1 comment:

  1. Innocently guilty. That's the look on that sweet angel's face. I think I would choke with THREE pieces in my mouth:) I guess he was thinking "This opportunity doesn't present itself often, so make the best of it!"


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