Naughty Naughty

I've mentioned how Luke loves to dig things out of drawers.  For some reason he prefers drawers that are above his eye level.  Perhaps it's the thrill of going fishing?  Well I've tried before to get a decent picture of this, and finally managed it this week.

This sight is the precursor to seeing random items strewn around the house:

The other day Luke pulled down a stool after I told him not to.  I spoke sternly to him, but he did it again to the second stool, so I told him he would need a time out.  Before I could pick him up and put him in another room (what I've done in the past with him) he walked right over to the wall where his older siblings do their Time.  He sat down, looked at me, and smiled.

Well, at least he's understanding the protocol of time out, if not the concept of punishment.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun blog. We laughed out loud! That little Luke - and you captured it remarkably


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