L'eggo My LEGOs

Jack only recently got into LEGOs.  I think they are awesome toys, fostering dexterity, ingenuity, and creative play, but I've resisted having them in the house because I think they are also brightly colored choking hazards.  (Not to mention foot punishers.  Have you ever stepped on one of those things??)

Well the other day Jack was putting together a LEGO truck at the kitchen table - the only safe place in the house without going into a locked room.  Luke tried to grab pieces from the edge of the table while standing on the floor but was unsuccessful, so he walked around until he saw a chair that was close enough to the table for him to climb up.  He succeeded, and Jack immediately flung his body on to the table and attempted to use his arm to shield Luke from snatching his toys.  But as soon as Mom was able to get a picture, we safely removed Luke from the table, scooted the chair away, and all was well once more.

1 comment:

  1. I have stepped on a leggo! Horray for Jack liking to work with these though. Poor Luke, just can't grow fast enough:(


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