General Conference - Day 1

We enjoyed our General Conference Day today, with a wonderful highlight of having my nephew here to watch the first session with us!  His YM Pres organized a trip for some of the Young Men in his ward to come attend conference as well as touring Temple Square and BYU and doing work in the Provo Temple.  Very cool!  And we loved getting to hang out with him!  We squeezed in some time for crepes before the first session started, then we took him back to his group right after the session finished.  It was great to see you, Will!

The kids have been pretty excited about General Conference.  I think our Conference-Themed Scripture Study this week has helped, but I know they also look forward to Conference Bucks and prizes.  They behaved pretty well during the sessions today and were mostly quiet enough for us to listen to the speakers.  Cat was quite attentive, even taking notes for a while.  I loved it when I could ask them questions about what a speaker talked about and they were able to answer.  I hope they also felt the Spirit, and that some of this will stick with them.

The talk that stood out to me more than others was from Pres. Tad R. Callister, Sunday School General President.  He talked about the role of parents as the primary teachers for their children.  Toward the end of his talk he said something that has been on my mind but I hadn't put it into words as well as he did.  "Do our children receive our best spiritual, intellectual, and creative efforts?  Or do they receive our leftover time and talents after we have given our all to other pursuits?"  Definitely something to think about and encourage me to do better.

Looking forward to another Conference Day tomorrow!


  1. I liked his saying that he doesn't know if such titles as Bishop or Relief Society president will extend in the eternities but he is sure that those of father, mother, sister, aunt, will apply forever.

  2. Wise counsel. I know in my own life, I don't even remember the highlights of "pres" of some organization, but I remember some of the littlest moments in raising the boys, and of course the big things. If I could rank spiritual moments, those in the home far out way any experienced - and there were a lot - in other areas. I was so lucky that in my PB I was told to put my main focus on my family. Love you girls so much and appreciate ALL your wonderful efforts with your families!


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