You're Gonna Miss This

The other day I mentioned to a friend on Instagram that I expect I'll miss a particular thing that Luke does now, once he grows up.  It got me thinking about the other things I think I'll miss when my kids get older (like this song says).  Here's a quick list I came up with today:

Luke insisting I sit criss-cross-applesauce (Indian Style) when I read to him before his nap and at bedtime, so that he can comfortably sit in my lap.

Eliza's crazy hairstyles.

Cat's constant reading - on her bed, on the couch, in the car, during meals (!), during (supposed) piano practice, and even while Jack was opening his birthday presents...

Jack's intense focus on whatever his current project is.  He's made dozens of books over the last couple of years, but lately he's also enjoyed creating his own Pokemon-type cards.

Cat's enthusiasm for uplifting scriptures and quotes, as well as lists and goals.  Have I shown you a picture of her walls lately?

The way the kids laugh and play and have so much fun together.

Luke preferring that I carry him, instead of walking independently most of the time.  Even when I'm making dinner.  This has gotten harder as he now weighs more than 25% what I weigh.

Enjoying listening to books together in the car.

When the kids have special time together, such as Sibling Sleepovers.

1 comment:

  1. Me too. I'll miss hearing about their 'little kid' things. Have I said it before? Thank you so much for sharing.


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