Cat's Graduation Party

Cat wanted to have a big party with her friends when school got out.  Because one of the planned activities was to burn old assignments, we had the party at a park in Provo Canyon.  Ben and I drove the family and 6 of Cat's friends to Nunns Park where the kids played on the playground, threw rocks into the Provo River, had a water balloon fight, and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows over a campfire.  Then we walked up to Bridal Veil Falls and the kids had fun climbing the rocks up to the waterfall.  Ben was worried about sparks flying if we let the kids burn all of their assignments, so we let them throw a few into the fire, then we finished up with a ceremonial Throwing of Old Assignments Into the Dumpster.  It was really fun, and the big kids were great with the younger kids.

I'm glad Cat had this fun little party with her friends.  It's been hard for her that her friends are all going to different schools next year.  She knows only a handful of kids going to the same school she'll be attending next year, and just one is a good friend.

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