More Fourth of July Festivation

A few other fun things that were centered around the Fourth of July.  In a separate are of the same park where the Colonial Fest was a military-themed set-up with lots of vehicles, tents for activities, and even a few reenactments.  We happened to be at the park the week before the festival and the kids were so excited to get to walk around and see the trucks and things.  As we were walking around and talking, Eliza asked me if Pops was in World War I?  I told my dad (Pops) what she said and I think he wasn't amused, haha.

Jack and Eliza were really feeling the music when we stopped to listen
to a bluegrass performing in the park.

Taking the machine gun for a test run.

Eliza got a turn too.

Cat paid $2 to get her own dog tags made.

We met up with some friends on the back lawn of the Hinckley Building to watch
the Stadium of Fire fireworks.  Jack's eye got irritated during the show and took
a couple of days to get back to normal.

Cat made this cake for dessert on July 3rd when our friends came over for dinner.

We got up early to watch the Balloon Fest in Provo but none of the balloons launched because of the cloudy, windy weather.  At least a few of them inflated and we were able to enjoy them.  Luke especially loved seeing them.

After the balloon fest, we parked the car near the parade route,
then walked to the Provo Bakery for some delicious fresh doughnuts.

While we were waiting for the parade to start, a man near us ran out to the street with a soccer ball and some cones and yelled out for any kids who wanted to play soccer to come out and play.  Jack and Eliza were among the dozens of kids to run out and play in the giant pick-up game.  Do you see them in the below photos?

Since we hadn't reserved our parade spots days ahead of time, we were behind a few rows of people.
But the folks in front didn't mind the kids hanging out with them, so Cat and the other kids were able
to see everything pretty well.  She even held Luke for a while, which was so cute.

That night we went to a performance by the group Clog America.  The name is misleading because they did a lot more than just clogging.  They had non-clogging dances from specific decades (20s, 50s), a cool choreographed slow-motion fight, a Native American hoop dance, a Pacific island fire dance, a talented Bluegrass band, and more.

The man on the left is at least in his 70s, and broke out into clogging while the band
performed "Devil Went Down to Georgia."  This guy is the father of all clogging in our area.

Fire Dance + Fireworks

By the time the show was over there were fireworks going off all around us.  We let the kids climb up on top of the car and watch the neighborhood fireworks shows from up there.  We watched for a while, then saw even more on our drive home.

I have come to the conclusion that this must be the best place in the world to celebrate
the Fourth of July.  Who wants to visit next year??

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