Colonial Fest 2016!

I feel like we've spent a lot of time at Colonial Fest over the last 5 Fourth of July's we've been here, so I was okay with skipping it this year but when I asked the kids about it they really wanted to go back.  In fact, we went not once, not twice, but three times during the 3 days it was set up at a park two miles from our house.  We found a few new things to enjoy, and of course some old favorites.

Eliza was insistent that she have a chance to go to school.

We attended George Washington's commissioning at the Old South Church. 
He called Eliza up on the stage with him to help him demonstrate the "courtesies"
of bowing and curtseying.  She did a lot of giggling. 

Watch out!

Jack wanted to wear this hat so much that he broke a hurricane lamp to get it.

We spent more time in the frontier area than we have in the past.
Here, a hobbyist is showing us how you can start a fire using oiled linen. 

Checking out the Algonquin wigwam.

Name that hide.


Jack the Minuteman

We attended the Colonial Ball for the first time and had a lot of fun.  If you look carefully, you can see Jack, Eliza, and me in the first picture.  Cat took it from far away because she was adamant that she wouldn't dance.  Luke wanted to dance, though, so Ben ended up holding him for the first few dances.  When Ben's arm needed a break, I twisted Cat's arm until she danced with me.  She had such a horrible time that she concentrated on getting all the steps right, smiling and even laughing a little.  Eliza and Jack were partners and did pretty well for a while, but once they started getting silly they were asked to leave the ball.  If we go back next year then I will be Jack's partner and Ben will partner with Eliza.  And maybe I'll be able to talk Cat into being Luke's partner?

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