TBT - Ye Olde Family

Lt. Bill Edwards, Collector of the Swords, Knives, and Guns
Mrs. Joy Edwards, Singer of the Songs
Miss Meg Edwards, Teaser of the Boys
Mr. Drew Edwards, Protector of the Goal
Blondie Edwards, Keeper of the Cat
Claire Edwards, Rider of the Horses

When the Missus was away, performing in an opera, and Drew was off protecting goals in faraway lands, Meg would sneak out for moonlight strolls with gentlemen callers, hoping that the Lieutenant wouldn't find out and show his disapproval by wielding an item from his collection.  Meanwhile, Blondie and Claire got into knock-down-tooth-out fights over cat hair and horseshoes.

Yet, in spite of their shortcomings, they were a happy family.  They gathered nightly to enjoy elaborate meals, MASH, and Jeopardy!.  They entertained themselves with a variety of sporting events and artistic presentations.  They vacationed by the seaside and paid visits to beloved grandparents.

Do they remind you of anyone you know?

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