Eliza's Creative Dance Class Finale & Recital

Eliza finished her dance class earlier this month, which means the parents were invited to attend the last class of the year and I got to take lots of pictures.

It was a treat to see how many things these kids have learned since the beginning of the class in September.  They have been exploring some of the building blocks of creative dance (as far as I can tell), including leaping, skipping (3 different ways), galloping, stretching, melting, and running with quiet feet.  Additionally, they have worked on other concepts such as improvisation, following instructions, moving in patterns, taking turns, and observing the world around them and thinking about things in creative ways.  I'm so glad Eliza was able to participate in this dance class.

Eliza's dance recital was at the same time as Cat's final tournament game, so Ben and I split up.  I stayed to watch the end of the game and Ben left during the second half of the game to take Eliza to her recital at BYU.  I'd seen a couple of run-throughs of the recital performance, but Ben hadn't seen any of Eliza's dance classes or anything, so it worked out fine.

The recital went very well.  Eliza's teacher led the class through a guided improvisation where the kids danced as if they were items seen from a window.  Eliza might be hard to see at first.  She's the girl on the right side, sitting down on the floor in the back.

Great job, Eliza!  Hard to believe her first year of dance is over.

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