Eliza's Kindergarten Graduation

I've been meaning to share these pictures and videos from Eliza's graduation.  It was exactly what it should have been: simple, cute, and short.  Eliza was really excited about the program and all of the songs.  She had been singing the "First Grade Here We Come" song for a few weeks leading up to the graduation and it was fun to hear the whole thing put together, along with a fun new pizza song.  Both of those were accompanied by Eliza's teacher, who plays guitar and teaches music.  Unfortunately, my camera ran out of memory during the "First Grade Here We Come" graduation song, but I made a quick switch to Ben's phone, so you can still hear most of it.

Kindergarten was a great year for Eliza.  She loved her teachers, loved her friends, and loved being at the big school with her older siblings.  She went from hardly reading at all to starting early chapter books, and she's doing great in math.  We're so excited for Eliza.  She is definitely ready for First Grade!

The notes the graduates wrote to the incoming Kindergarteners are pretty cute.
Click on the picture to see it larger.

Also, I enjoyed the program Eliza's teacher put together, so I'm including the text:

At the beginning of school we started with our ABC’s and 123’s.
We learned about Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring.
We learned about the Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore.
ELIZA: We learned about Johnny Appleseed and had an apple tasting day.
Apple Song
Months song
In the fall, we studied pumpkins and seeds.
We learned about safety and to never talk to strangers, even if they have balloons!
We went on a field trip to Cornbelly’s!
We learned about Christopher Columbus discovering a new world and the Native Americans that already lived there.  
We celebrated Thanksgiving together.
I’m a Little Turkey
As the weather grew colder, we learned about different holidays all over the world!
We wrote letters to Santa, and got letters back!
We learned that everyone is created equal.
We chose to Go Green and help the planet. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle!
Next Child Who Is Very Shy: (hold up sign)
We learned how to take care of our bodies so our minds can grow
Days of the Week
In the Spring, we learned about habitats, where animals and plants live and grow.
We watched caterpillars turn into butterflies!
We learned the names of baby animals, like a calf, kid, or duckling!
We studied the 7 Continents and their different Cultures and Countries
Paul the penguin came to teach us about Antarctica.
When we learned about Asia, we made our own dragon masks and had a parade.
7 Continents

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