
Ben arrived home from work one Friday evening just as the kids and I were getting on bikes to ride to a park about half a mile away.  He wanted to have some dinner and come to the park afterward.  I don't have my own bike and I was using Ben's bike to pull Luke in the trailer, so I jokingly told him that when he was finished eating he should ride the scooter over to the park and hang out with us.  I didn't think he actually would.  Imagine my surprise when I looked up and saw this...


  1. Ha! Can you imagine the looks he must've gotten/double takes people did when they saw him riding the scooter a 1/2 mile down the road...all by himself, no kids in sight :) hilarious!

    1. I know! He told me that some teenagers were laughing at him on the way to the park. What I forgot when I wrote this post is that he actually rode the scooter the whole way home too. Awesome!


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