He won't go down without a fight.

We got a phone call from the owner of our house 12 days ago saying that she would be putting the house on the market.  The Realtor contacted us the next day, and the following week there was a sign in the yard.  This has been a big surprise for our family, and very stressful on all of us.  Every time I clean the house for people to walk through, I can't help but think that I'm digging my own grave.

When I talked to the kids about what was going on and told them that we might have to move, they were all sad about it, but Jack has taken it the hardest.  He's concerned about what things will be like in a new place and whether he'll be able to make friends.

On Friday he was given the task of sweeping off the front steps and sidewalk in order to earn back something I had to take away from him.  He did some sweeping, and then he used the broom to mutilate the bushes in front of our house.

The picture doesn't do it justice.  He really did a job on them, whacking them over and over again with the broom.  His reason?  He wanted to make the house less appealing so that nobody would want to buy it.

The truth is, I've been contemplating doing the same thing.  But I was thinking more along the lines of leaving an open can of tuna hidden in the kitchen...

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